Invade if your gay meme

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On Wednesday, August 24th, Los Angeles comedian and pianist Kathryn Lounsbery improvised and recorded a trailer to a 15-act musical called 'Lesbian Farmers!' with songs like 'Gay for Hay' and 'I'm A-tractor-ed to You.' She posted the video to Facebook, where it has gained 2,900 likes and 6,800 shares as of August 29th, 2016. The instantly drew the mockery from comedians and the LGBT community. Soon after, The New York Daily News, Salon, and more published articles about Limbaugh's conspiracy. The series creator Seth Macfarlane was only 24 years old when the show. Since 1999, the adult animated series Family Guy has been a regular staple of late night tv. Family Guy has amassed legions of dedicated fans, and has largely become the most meme-able show ever to be created. The story began spreading on August 23rd, 2016, when The Daily Dot and New York Magazine picked it up. 20 Hilarious Family Guy Memes That Would Make Even Stewie Laugh. “And all you gotta do to get it is be a lesbian and want to be a farmer and they’ll set you up… They’re going after every geographic region that is known to be largely conservative. “Here comes the Obama regime with a bunch of federal money and they’re waving it around,” he said. The day after the article was published, Rush Limbaugh took to his radio show to proclaim that President Barack Obama's administration has been trying to send lesbians to rural states to make them more left-leaning.

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